About Us
Who are we>
Mililtant Treament
Darel Walker a true visoary,embarked onhid leannikng journey with a passion to change the way people viewed cleaning .draeel stared his cleaning career with a simple yet powerful idea to offer cleaning souluiotn that went beyond he typical servies avalable at the time he took on small cleaning jobs after work gaining hand on ecperience and learning the ropes of the bussines
Under Darel leadership Mililtant Traeaent evoled into a full service cleaning company that offered specialitixed xleaning solutions wheater it was for post construction clean up detailed sanitaion for residential ,commericial or idustrial propoerties mililtant treatment became know for its thourough nad high quality services
Darel commitment to continuous learning and adopting the latest cleaning technologies allowed Mililtant Treatment to stay aead of the curve providing services that were not just bout cleanliness but about creating a safe healthy and prisitne enviorment